Friday, January 28, 2011

Ironic injuries

2011 is starting out to be the year of injuries I've never had before.
This might sound a little scary to some of you, but the reality is that I wouldn't be getting these injuries if I wasn't challenging myself and reaching to do the things I've never done. I actually see it as a good thing.

let me explain...

To balance all the time I spend thinking on my couch, I've gotten into habit of headed to the ski slope or day dreaming about rock climbing whenever I can. I invest a lot of time and thought into both of these hobbies, and both are hard to keep up without persistently nagging my friends to get out and have fun in the outdoors. So, to reduce the nagging, I finally took a leap and decided it would be worth it to get a membership to the climbing gym. My thought was that it would at least keep me busy until things dry out here in the emerald city. The universe had other plans.

Just one hour into my bouldering session (climbing without ropes) I went for a higher, but easier climb. I stepped up to the edge, crossed over the top... just a few more moves, one more move... damn. I looked down and realized how high I was - without a rope attached to me. Insecurity washed over me and my hands started to shake and get sweaty.

"I should down climb"
"I hate down climbing"
"I'll lose control if I don't move soon"
"I'll lose control if I do move"
"I'll jump.."
"this is going to hurt"
.... and it did!

Hitting the mat wasn't bad, but something had obviously gone wrong. My ankle didn't feel quite right, and I couldn't stop holding it and breathing heavily... I appeared much like a woman in labor. I breathed heavily in and out, trying to keep my focus concentrated on anything other than the pain I knew was coming. Sprained ankle... and not two hours after getting a gym membership for the month. In an effort to keep a little more active... I actually reduced my activity to zero. At least until my ankle is a little stronger.

Hears to resiliency and a fast recovery!!

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