Monday, January 24, 2011

Where Time Goes

Time is so funny.

We spend time relaxing with friends, sitting at home stuck indoors, learning new things about ourselves and the world around us, and on occasion doing truly constructive projects.

Where does it go?

I've noticed that with age time seems to fly by even faster. In elementary school time was measured by those coveted holiday vacations and dreaded school tests. Time stood still between Thanksgiving and Christmas as me and my sister waited to receive the presents we'd been asking for all year. During summer breaks time flew by while we played at the lake or struggled with adult emotions at summer camp.

In college time evened out and stayed at a steady speed for a while. I enjoyed the ride. There was so much to soak in and learn, both in and out of the classroom. The years went by filled with new ways of thinking, new people to discover, languages to learn and cultures to explore. The steady speed of time helped me to find out who I was, or a piece of who I am.

But, the last few years time has become extremely sporadic. One second I am throwing myself into projects I love, completely forgetting about time. The next minute I'm back on my couch struggling with the really difficult questions of time that everyone asks themselves as they grow up. Should I go back to school? Can I get a good job? Am I making the most of the time I have?

Time is the one consistent. No matter what else happens in life, time is the one thing that is guaranteed to keep speeding, walking... bumbling ahead. All we can do is try to make what we have count in the short blip we have in the relatively infinite time of the universe.

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