Monday, March 28, 2011

Birthday Reflections

We plant seeds.

Everyday as we live our lives, whether knowingly or unknowingly, we plant thoughts in the minds of friends, new acquaintances, and co-workers. Our ideas nourish and support the opinions of like minded individuals, and expose spectators to new perceptions. Over time these interactions teach us, allow us to spread our leaves, and root ourselves in what resonates with us.

Like the growth of plants our roots search for nourishment in the world around us, and there are indeed different ways in which this happens. Plants have different sorts of roots, mostly classified into the tap or fibrous root categories. Tap roots have one main root that secures them securely to the earth, sending out weaker roots in search of more nutrients. Fibrous roots, on the other hand, send out multiple roots that grow in intricate patterns, equally strong and equally weak.

My root system is somewhere in between. It grows much like "quack grass." A fibrous weed that is highly adaptable and fast to mature. In the Northwest this common weed is a pain to get rid of, because it actually grows from the roots it puts down. The plants themselves are reincarnations of each other, every new one nourishing and supporting the other.

When pulled from the ground quack grass reminds me of a timeline. Here's where the plant was born, it went to primary school, traveled to other countries, went to college and started struggling to understand life without the support of it's parents. Each new experience brought it farther from it's beginning, but still connected it to it's original roots.

If you were to look at my life thus far, like the roots of a quack grass plant, you would see a timeline of experiences that affixes me to different places. In turn my experiences inform my perception of the world, and gives me new roots that support me as I continue on.

I feel so lucky to have experienced all that I have in just 25 short years of life. Now past root systems have lead me to the Northwest. The roots I have put down here connect me to many wonderful people, and allows me to explore new interests while expanding on some old ones.

Thank you to everyone who helped me celebrate being a quarter of a century year old during the week of March 23rd! I so appreciate you, and the great adventures we have been on. I am looking forward to finding out what happens in a new year of life.

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