Monday, April 25, 2011

This is a Rant

I tend to be very optimistic in this blog.

Most of the time I'm inspired to write by the beauty I find in everyday life and the beauty found in a moment.

I haven't been feeling very optimistic recently though.
Being sick for a month will do that to you.
Granted, it is my own fault for ignoring I was sick in the first place. I insisted on barreling through, and exhausting my immune system to the point where it had to revolt in rage.

For the past month I have been walking through life in a daze. Waking up everyday to a unfamiliar lethargic-ness, Shaking my head, slapping my face and getting through the day. I felt better for a day in mid-April. But I jumped the gun, went climbing/biking... who knows what else... in celebration and fell right back into the daze. Exactly 34 hours ago I woke up with an un-ignorable swollen throat.

My body had finally rebelled.

Thankfully my awesome housemate offered to drive me to the emergency health clinic. I had all of 2 seconds face time with a young, enthusiastic doctor who made sure I wasn't dying of pneumonia, before he prescribed me some strong antibiotics and established the importance of returning to the clinic if I didn't feel better in three days time.

Cost= $216
Time with doctor= 5 minutes
Result= 7 days of swallowing powerful antibiotics.

I guess in the end the antibiotics are worth it, if they kill whatever is zapping all of my energy.
I am ready to get back to being myself!

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